This page transcribed by Dick Dunn

427 Squadron Wartime Log - July 1943


The Squadron participated in a Dominion Day celebration in Ripen. No operations scheduled for this date. The CO started his leave and S/Ldr Earthrowl assumed Command of the Squadron. Three new Captains and their Crews settled down to their first day of Squadron Life. They are Sgt Olsvik, Sgt Cornelius, F/Sgt Champion. A dominion dinner was held in the Officer's Mess - Squadron Officers being present.


No bombing ops detailed for this day, but four kites detailed for gardening. The trip was carried out without incident but the aircraft landed away from base due to weather conditions. P/O Arnet and Crew and Sgt Henry and Crew landed at Benu Lieu. F/Sgt Champion and crew at Eastwood. P/O Williams and crew at Mincham.

Operation Routing July 2


Ten aircraft detailed for operations on Cologne - again !! P/O Crew, F/Sgt Johnson, Sgt Schmitt, P/O Williams, Sgt Henry, S/L Earthrowl, F/Lt Tubman, P/O Morton, P/O Arnot, F/Sgt Champion. P/O Crew returned early owing to hydraulic trouble. Henry, S/L Earthrowl, and P/O Arnot being nonstarters. F/Sgt Champion returned after crossing Dutch Coast owing to trouble in gaining height. We suffered no losses.

Operation Routing July 3


Five aircraft detailed for an operation which was scrubbed before briefing. Sgt Henry returned from Beaulieu with "Y" after an absence of 4 days.


Ten aircraft were detailed for operations but old man weather turned against us again and ops were cancelled. Squadron personnel retreated to their respective Messes and enjoyed another free evening. Messrs. Earthrowl, Ganderton , Greening, Morrison, Chasenoff, etc., enjoyed themselves in the Officer's Mess with an evening of pool - at which they definitely excel.


Ten aircraft detailed for operations. This operation was cancelled early. Two new crews arrived from 1659 C.U. and 1654 C.U. They are F/O Baum, and F/Sgt Countess. Two of our best Captains were promoted from P/O to F/Lt today. P/O "Dickey" Morton and P/O "Jerseyā€¯ Crew. F/Lt Izzard left for a signals conference at Pershore - 427 Squadron signals leader being the only one invited from Group. P/O Dormand assumed Signal Leader's duties.


No ops detailed for this date. The two new crews settled down to their first day of Sqn life. - S/Ldr now Capt Carl Taylor, U.S.A.A.F. returned from leave in his brilliant new uniform. He resumed command of "B" Flight and carried on with work as though nothing had happened. S/Ldr Gill and F/Lt Armstrong has liaison officers from No 1 Radio School and No 240.T.U., arrived as visitors to the Squadron. They were taken under the wing of F/Lt Izzard and P/O Dormand who gave them the gen on how to be good lions. F/Sgt Rodwell and crew returned from leave looking as though they all had a "good time". Resting was the vogue for the day. P/O Pete Greening resumed eating - after a spell of fasting - the result of an "operation" in Harrogate.


Ten aircraft were detailed for operations today, but were scrubbed about 18.15 S/Ldr Gill our visitor had a good look around the station and expressed his enthusiasm for our method of working. F/O Soeder (Red) returned from hospital where he has been since he bailed out. He still has a slight limp, but that didn't stop him getting around to the orderly room for a leave pass, etc. He is off to London to join the gang, F/Lt Ganderton and P/O Pete Greening - who went on leave earlier today. F/Sgt Champion and his crew, who are only recent members to the "Lion's" Den also went on leave today. In the evening there was a small party in the Officers Mess, when four Canadian girls went through an initiation ceremony - the "Flare Path". They all passed with flying colours.


S/Ldr Earthrowl went on leave today. 10 aircraft detailed to attack Gelsenkircken(slide spelling Gelsenkirchen). F/Sgt Rodwell returned early owing to his bomb/airmen being ill. Otherwise the Squadron completed another Rhur raid without losses. This raid, according to all reports, but an end to the Battle of the Rhur - in which we had a very active part.

Operation Routing July 9


F/Lt Izzard returned from a conference at Parnhore looking as though things were going well for us in the "Signal-line". We were the only operational Squadron to be represented - One up for 427. No operations were detailed for this date. F/O Vellum, left the Squadron having completed a tour of ops. He is now dishing out gen at 24 O.T.U. Honeyborne. W/Cmdr Burnside returned from leave and again assumed command of the "Lion's".


No ops today. Squadron had a stand down. F/Sgt Johnson and F/Sgt Hughes were commissioned today. F/Sgt (Lana Turner) Johnson is an old member of the Squadron and one of our best pilots and Hughes is also a member of long standing. Meeting was the vogue for the day. F /Lt Ganderton was awarded the D.F.C. and also promoted to S/Ldr. He is on leave at the moment, but when he returns a party is indicated.


Operations were detailed for this date, but were cancelled later on. A very quiet day with nothing exceptional to report.


12 aircraft detailed to attack Aachon (slide spelling Aachen). Captains were W/Cdr Burnside, F/O Arnet, F/L Norton, F/Sgt Rodwell, Sgt CorneliUS, (1st trip), Sgt Sobkovics (1st Trip) Capt Taylor, Sgt Olavik, Sgt Schmitt, P/O Williams, W/C Vandekerckhove, and F/Sgt Countess. Our only loss was Sgt Sobkowics - a new skipper. F/Sgt Rodwell returned early owing to engine trouble otherwise, it was a very good mission. Sgt Cornelius had. a bad swing on take off and there were signs of relief when he straightened out and got airborne. Our old "Lion" the popular Rocky (Flare Path) Durocher, the Gunnery Leader, returned from hosiptal in the evening, with his foot still in plaster. He was looking very well and puts his healthy appearance down to the fact he has been on the wagon for a month. Quite a change for Rocky! F/O Soeder returned from leave, having had a quiet time, due to his foot having a "relapse".

Operation Routing July 13


Stand down today. The SIGNAlS SECTION under the direction of F/L Izzard and P/O Dormand "organized" a dinner party with a drinking party to follow, which was held in the evening. The Squadron was well represented - W/Cmdr Burnside and all the Section Leaders being present. Jock's Cafe was the rendevous and the meal according to the CO was "superb". The dinner was paid for from the proceeds of P/O Dizzy Dormand's "Lion's Den", the Squadron Cafe, which has been doing quite well recently. After dinner the "mob" adjourned to Jock's Dance Hall and proceeded to turn it into a "speak-easy" (427 type). F/Lt Izzard "made music" and various songs and verses were sung amid much beer, etc. F/Lt "Rocky" Durocher had his first "wetting" for a month and after an hour was back "in form". No damage was done and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


Another quiet day. One new crew, Sgt Hallands and Crew , arrived from Croft, our old Station, so they will have the makings of good lions. F/L Ganderton, returned from leave and was very amazed to hear of his award. According to "Gandi", P/O Pete Greening (still on leave), couldn't keep the pace in London. Slacking Pete, - slacking!


Another stand down today. Weather was fairly good and air test and cross country trips were done by our new crews. The photographs arrived from M.G.M. and were issued to the members of the Squadron.


Once more a stand down was ordered. It was decided today to form a committee to organize a Squadron party. F/Lt Izzard was elected chairman, and F/Lt Hensby, treasurer. A meeting was held in the afternoon and a date was decided upon. Other members of the committee include F/O Clark, Capt Taylor, F/Sgt Dane, F/Lt Watkins, F/Lt Morrison, F/Lt Tubman, Sgt Withers. It was definitely established that this party will be held entirely for Squadron personnel and entry will be promulgated in Station Routine Orders. F/Lt Chas' went on leave, F/O Clark took over as Adjt.


Another quiet day with glorious weather. A fair amount of local flying was done and planes and their crews were on "top line" form. The Squadron is now in ship shape condition again, after the losses we suffered in the Battle of the Rhur. F/Sgt Tony Rodwell, one of our English members, received his commission today. Also Sgt Fernand, another English member.


No Ops today, and rather poor weather. No flying. The various sections organized lectures and quite a few useful hours were put in - in this style. Nothing exceptional to report.


Again came the order - stand down. P/O Johnson returned from leave looking spruce in his new uniform. In the afternoon the Officers and Sergeants went to Badale cricket ground and had a return match in vain attempt to alter the score of the last game. This time the officers were subjected to a more severe beating, losing by a clear 40 runs. Sgt Withers, Sgt Young, Sgt Thompson, P/O Ross, P/O Williams and F/O Clark, seeming to be the loading lights of the game, although everyone put up a good show. W/Cmdr Burnside our CO had a double but before we could see what he really was like, he was caught by Sgt Young. There was a little celebration in the evening in both the Officers and Sgts Hess. P/O Johnson was initiated into the "Leo Club".


A quiet day today. No operations scheduled. Everyone getting rather stale owing to long stand downs. Be glad to get operational again.


Sixteen aircraft detailed for operations which were cancelled shortly after briefing. Everyone looking relieved to be at work again. A quiet evening was spent by the crews - in their respective Messes.


Operations were detailed for this day but again there was an early scrub. Fortunately it was early enough for the chaps to go out and being a glorious day cycling and swimming, ending in the usual "noggin" was the vogue.


Today was the first stage of the Battle of Hamburg. 12 a/c were detailed for ops. This was one of the best ops. the Squadron has ever done. There were no "boomerangs" and no losses and according to the crews, Hamburg "had it". Crews participating in the raid were, S/L Northrol, F/L Norton, F/O Arnott, P/O Rodwell, Sgt Cornelius, Sgt Riggs, Sgt Schmitt, F/O Williams, P/O Vandekerchove, P/O Johnson, Sgt Henry, P/O Crow.

Operations Routing July 24


Today eleven aircraft detailed to attack Essen. W/Cmdr Burnside our CO led the attack in which P/O Rodwlell, Sgt Cornelius, F/1 Norton, Sgt Biggs, F/1 Crew, Capt Taylor, Sgt Schmitt, P/O Williams, P/O Vandekerchove and Sgt Henry took part. There were two early returns. Capt Taylor and F/L Crew owing to engine trouble. The Rhur specialist, Sgt Schmitt pranged on landing, having had his undercarriage shot up. It was a very good prang as prangs go. The only damage was the undercarriage and a smashed prop. The crew escaped unhurt.

Operations Routing July 25


No bombing ops detailed for today, but two crews F/Sgt Champion and crew and P/O Johnson stood by until the evening for a sea search. They eventually got airborne and returned about six hours later having found nothing. Dingh's (sic) were found but in our crews area, there was nothing more than a mine and a German buoy to arouse their excitement. The rest of the Sqn enjoyed a stand down.


Fifteen aircraft today for ops. There were no "Boomerangs" and another 1st Class op was accomplished by the "Lions". Crews said that Hamburg was beginning to look like Lorient - (our old favourite) - a night cross country - with the turning point lit up. W/Cmdr Piddington an ex Flight Commander of this Squadron was reported missing. F/Lt Chas our Adjutant returned from leave looking weary, his usual radiant smile - must have done well at the races (etc).

Operation Routing July 27


Stand down today. Crews enjoyed the rest, and glorious weather made swimming and sun-bathing very popular. The "Rocky Mountaineers" operated in Harrogate and a good time was had by all. Groundcrew boys had a chance to get kites serviceable. Credit must be given where it is due and on this Squadron, it is certainly due to them. "Keep 'um Flying boys".


Fifteen aircraft today again attacked Hamburg. This was our 3rd attack and as good as the rest. He didn't lose any kites but the boche suffered one down and one probable, after having attacked P/O Vandekerchove and crew. Sgt McLean the rear-gunner deserves credit for this feat, as Jerry's night fighter boys are generally not so dumb. On being credited with a probable, Sgt Williamson the Nav declared - "Jonz, they never give you anything in this outfit". McLean replied, - "O.K. Willie, I'll get you another one next time." There were no turn backs and everyone declared - a "gem op".

Operation Routing July 29


More work again today when 12 aircraft were scheduled for operations against the Rhur. W/Cmdr Burnside again let the attack which was a two target affair. Later reduced to one. Also taking part were F/L Morton, P/O Arnott, Sgt Nesfurber, Sgt Cornelius p/Sgt Champion, Sgt WeIch, F/S Biggs, Sgt Clevik, F/L Crew, Cpl Taylor and Sgt Walton. Sgt Cornelius non-starter. Our first loss for quite a while occurred tonight when Sgt Westerberg - an Austrailian(ed.Australian) Pilot and his Crew - failed to return. It was their first trip. F/Lt Izzard, the popular Signal's(sic) Leader and organizer of our Squadron party, which we hope to hold shortly, left for London on the scrounge for dresses and "Shekels" to put on a show worthy of the Lions.

Operation Routing July 30


Once again came the order for ops. This time only seven aircraft were detailed. This op was scrubbed just before take off, when a violent storm struck the camp. Nothing special to report except crews who were not flying enjoyed a well earned day-off, which was spent in sleeping.


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