Poppy photo with 427 crest and cenotaph

427 crest

cenotaph photo

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Robert Laurence Binyon

This page has been modified due to the large amount of data it holds. It is now in two parts. Part 1 has obituaries of names beginning with the letters A to L. Part II hold obituaries of names beginning with the letters M to Z. Lions who lost their lives during WW II, for the most part, are not included on this page but are documented HERE. WW II deceased Lions are also documented in a searchable PDF file available on this site, as well as on the photos of the operations routes (not searchable) found in the monthly wartime operations log.

If you have further or any information about a deceased former Lion please forward to  Webmanager  so it can be included here. The late Vern White and Roy Inkster were instrumental in keeping this list updated. Their sources are no longer available. Please forward any further information you have for anyone listed here or if you know of a Lion who has not been remembered, an obituary and photo would be appreciated. Several families have also donated memoirs, stories and other memorabila of a 427 veteran's life. We have the capacity to link the obituary to a separate page and detail any additional infomation and photos.

Part 1

Part 2

